The show retraces Tina‘s experiences from her childhood in Udine to her death in Mexico, through her emotions and pride, her abandonment and uncertainties, her feverish impulses and disappointments of a life lived without compromises, in a flow of words and music that slips through the folds of a powerful humanity.
An intimate journey where words, song and music linked to her places and lands, merge to redraw an emotional portrait of a woman, throughout her life as a photographer, artist, militant and above all a free woman, started on tiptoe to discover an overwhelming personality, a femininity far from stereotypes and conventions, which presents us with an unpublished Tina Modotti in a delicate and poignant narrative and musical continuum.
An essential, pure, sober artistic path: only two voices and the strings of a guitar, only the singing, the story and the intimate and sincere encounter with an existential parable of crystalline humanity, formidable courage.
Text by Alberto Prelli
Nicoletta Oscuro – voice
Matteo Sgobino – guitar and voice