BINTARS – Friuli








The Bintars are the actors of a long journey that began in 1977 when Angelico Piva, an expert musician who grew up in Milan and a great lover of Jazz but also of the popular music of his land in Friuli, and Roberto Tonutti, a beginner musician but with natural front-man and entertainer skills, decided to found a musical group with Eliseo Jussa who is already a legend in the Natisone Valleys thanks to his unique and unmistakable style on diatonic button accordion.

Since then there have been many players, singers and entertainers in the line-up which is like a football team with a huge bench! As Angelico jokingly said.


Alessandro Piva – diatonic button accordion and guitar; Ezio Qualizza – diatonic button accordion and guitar; Francesco Piva – double bass, baritone horn.


    • Spilimbergo – music in downtown clubs – Wednesday 30th September/Thursday 1st October. Free entrance.