Throughout her long career, Judy Collins has always stood out for her impeccable taste. Her famous album Wildflowers (1967) includes an extraordinary collection of original songs collaborated with artists that the audience were unaware of, such as Joni Mitchell and Leonard Cohen, and Jacques Brel and Francesco Landini. Her rich acoustic palette and her gift for writing helped her to become a poetic singer-songwriter devoted to storytelling. In her sixth decade as singer and composer, Judy is now living a period of renewed creativity. Her twenty-ninth studio album, Spellbound, sees her as the protagonist of a great artistic renaissance: the thirteen tracks of her album deserve a special mention in her career. For the first time ever, she wrote all tracks, twelve folk modern songs with the addition of one of her evergreens, The Blizzard, as bonus track. Spellbound is an introspective and impressionist album that unfolds as if Judy were the curator of an exhibition on her life, welcoming us in on her most educational moments, some of which are known and public while others are intensely personal and intimate.

ArtistJudy Collins
MusicFolk, Country, Pop, Rock and Roll
Concert 2nd July 2022
LocationSpilimbergo – Piazza Duomo