Autumn has started and like every year for fifteen years is time for selection.
Suonare@Folkest2018 – Alberto Cesa Award contest’s is growing up thanks also to the collaboration of important national media that will support the vote in the second phase.
The purpose of this contest is not only the challenge between artists but also consider as much as candidates are fitted with the 2018 Folkest’s program.
“Suonare@Folkest2018 –Alberto Cesa Award would rapresent a showcase during which artists could perform with live music performances that allow the judge to make a better evaluation of the artistic path and the work of competing artists. At the same time that offer to all the partecipants promotional opportunities.
After the first selection of the material arrived at our administrative office, three groups or artists, for each event, will call to perform live in front of a jury compose by musicians, specialists and journalists, that after voting, will announce the first and second place. Both of them obtain the possibility to perform during the 2018 Folkest’s edition, in a collocation that will be, unquestionably, choose by the artistic direction of the festival.
Live selection of this second phase will take place in: Arezzo, Coreno Ausonio, Loano, Caraglio, Palermo, Caserta, Spilimbergo and Verona.
The winner of each events will partecipate on a challenge that will take place through: dedicated facebook page, the websites and and in some radio channels.
The top three ranked of this votation aquire the right to join at one of the final event of the Festival in Spilimbergo, where at the end there will announce the overall winner of Suonare@Folkest2018.
Furthermore the jury of each event will suggest some artists that could partecipate to the assignment of Alberto Cesa2018 Award, for a new composition in the traditonal style.
All the groups have to conform to the musical repertoire belonging to all genres that for convention could belong to folk, folk-rock, etno, etno-jazz, new acustic, minimal, guitarist, folksinger, trobadours, street artists (musical activity, prevalent).
Utilization of one ore many ethnic instrument in a set of different genre will not constitute element of particular merite.
The use of electronic device will not consitute an element of discrimination to the access at the consecutive step. For the admission to knockout stage following step, is important to perform your own bond with many cultural roots from all over the world.
The contest is open to italian artists and groups. The groups at least, must have one member with the italian citizenship.
The partecipation is open also for artists and groups that have produced an album and are owners of record agreement.
For the all competition announcement visit this website: