
July 1, 2018
On Sunday 1st of July Folkest is moving to Romans d’Isonzo (Casa Candussi – Pasiani) with Pyrates again preceded by Cristiana Verardo, young guitaris and song writer. [message_box title=”CRISTIANA VERARDO AND PYRATES” color=”yellow”] Place: Romans, d’Isonzo, Casa Candussi-Pasiani [How to get there] In case of bad weather the concert will be held in the Auditorium “E....
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Sunday 1 st July, 9.15 p.m in Castelnovo del Friuli, Villa Sulis, will exhibit two italian groups, Canusia and T’ses Folk. [message_box title=”Canusia e la  T’ses Folk” color=”yellow”] Place: Costa di Castelnovo del Friuli, Villa Sulis [How to get there] In case of bad weather the concert will be held in sala “Manuela Comino” in...
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