Folkest 2021

There will be over 50 events at this 43rd edition of Folkest, starting with live concerts in the four old provinces of Friuli Venezia Giulia, but also in Koper and nearby Cadore. The 2021 Lifetime Achievement Award will be presented to Enzo Avitabile and, as always, Spilimbergo will host the seventeenth edition of the Cesa Award for new proposals in world music. Events also include meetings with authors for the third edition of Parole e musica, while the Folkest Dischi label publishes five new titles. But that’s not all: Folkest brings a show on the Divine Comedy, a photo exhibition The sound of eyes – The 40 years of Folkest, the Guitar International Rendezvous, and consolidates the partnership with Operaprima of Vienna for a project on Giuseppe Verdi’s Ernani, but above all looks to the future thanks to the combination of cultural offerings and professional training.

For its 43rd anniversary, Folkest, despite the difficulties that the whole of art has been experiencing for over a year, has decided that this is precisely the time to spare no effort and offer its best. Thanks also to the support of the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region, the Friuli Foundation, Turismofvg, the Municipality of Spilimbergo, the Municipality of Udine and Friulovest Banca, this year more than forty groups will be involved in more than 50 live events in 28 different municipalities, from 5 to 23 August, with a series of previews already starting on 11 June and appointments until 12 September.

Among the guests, Enzo Avitabile, Vincenzo Zitello, Le Orme, the historic group Nuova Compagnia di Canto Popolare, Michele Ascolese, Mauro Palmas, the Coro del Friuli Venezia Giulia with Aleksandar Karlic, Paolo Tofani & Strepitz Open Project, the Musica Spiccia, winners of the Cesa Prize in 2020 and Still Life winners of the Premio Parodi 2020.

Manifesto Folkest 2021
Illustration Ayala Ibragimova

Ajde Zora, Italy

Alvise Nodale, Italy

Andrea Mirò, Italy

Arconiché, Italy

Area & Strepitz Open Project, Italy/Friuli

Avtomobili, Slovenia

Alessandro Anderloni, Italy

Bevano Est, Italy

Birkin Tree, Italy

Brunella Boschetti, Italy

Chatdebois, Italy

Celtic Pixie, Italy

Contrada Lorì, Italy

Cool Cat 3io, Friuli

Coro FVG and Aleksandar Sasha Karlic, Friuli/Slovenia

Cristiano Godano, Italy

Duo Hana & Sara Convertino, Albania/Italy

Djelem do Mar, Italy

Enzo Avitabile, Italy

Ensemble Sangineto, Italy

FDA Ensemble, Italy

Fiore, Massarutto, Martin, Italy

Fragment, Italy

Friederike Schultz and Bernard Revel, France/Germany

Giovanni Giusto, Italy

Giuditta Scorcelletti & Maurizio Geri, Italy

Grop Tradizionâl Furlan, Friuli

Green Clouds, Ireland

Guido Redaelli e Socrate Verona, Italy

Il Muro del Canto, Italy

I Bintars, Friuli

Kujacoustic, Italy

Le Orme, Italia

Martin Moro, Austria

Matteo Sgobino & Lune Troublante, Italy

Massimo Luca, Italy

Mauro Palmas, Italy

Mattanza, Italy

Michele Ascolese, Italy

Michele Pirona and Stefano Andreutti, Italy

Miriam Foresti, Italy

Motus Laevus, Italy

Musica Spiccia, Italy

Na Fuoia, Italy

Nema Problema, Italy

Nuova Compagnia di Canto Popolare, Campania

Paolo Bonfanti & Martino Coppo, Italy

Roberto Lucanero Trio, Italy

Sara Marini, Italy

Silvio Orlandi and Ernesto de Martino, Italy

Silvio Trotta, Italy

Storie Sbagliate, Italy

Still Life, Catalonia

Surealistas, Italy

Vincenzo Zitello, Italy

Violoncelli Itineranti ft. Ana Pilat, Italy/Croatia

Wooden Legs, Italy

4 Ways Road, Italy